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Sustainable, green homes and buildings for happier, healthier New Zealanders

We believe all New Zealanders deserve to be safe, healthy and happy at home, at school, at work. Everywhere.

Our vision is for all homes and buildings in Aotearoa to be green and sustainable, making healthier, happier New Zealanders. For that to happen we need leadership and action to change how we design and build our homes, buildings and communities.

Representing over 700 organisations and companies who believe in a better built Aotearoa, we advocate for regulatory and industry-wide change, provide independent and trusted certification, and support New Zealand on its path to a low carbon future.

Green homes

Homestar & Homefit

Green homes

Homestar & Homefit

Green buildings

Green Star, Nabersnz
& carboNZero

Green buildings

Green Star, Nabersnz
& carboNZero

Upcoming Training Courses

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